Something has kicked open a closed door (that my mind had locked up tight) and the migratory spring birds are giving me the most beautiful lesson on the field of infinite possibilities. As I start this article I find myself with an involuntary Buddha smile. That’s the joy of getting out of my own way.
Three and a half years ago I moved to my current home, about thirty minutes from my previous home located at the base of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range near Santa Fe, New Mexico. I lived in the bottom of a verdant valley with a mature fruit orchard and a little stream running right through it. I called it my little Garden of Eden and the birds were insane. Every coveted species was right there, hanging out with me, each season bringing a new resident more delightful than the last. And the hummingbirds…like nothing I’ve ever seen. Four species: Rufous, Calliope, Broad-tailed, and Black-chinned, they would show up the last week of March and stay through October requiring four gallons of my homemade sugar nectar daily. I constantly had a large soup pot of water boiling and purchased entire grocery carts full of sugar to keep up with their hearty appetites. It was like having a second full-time job keeping up with all of it, and it became nothing short of a spiritual practice for me.
Our intuitive gifts are directly correlated to our connection with the natural world.
Everyone who knows me and my work understands that nature, to me, is the foundation for building intuition, raising energetic frequency, finding clarity, channeling inner (and outer) wisdom, and healing spiritual, physical, and psychological wounds. Developing a closer relationship to it is the very essence of transformation (becoming a more authentic self).
All creatures of nature have a very specific gift, which may vary from person to person, but birds in general are master teachers of energy frequency, meaning how light or heavy our energetic signature is. If a person enters the room and you feel an instantaneous up-shift in the energy– your mood lightens, you feel safe, you feel happy, suddenly even the lights seem brighter– that person likely has a very high energy frequency. And birds naturally gift us these upgrades.
So, as life dictated, it was time for us to move closer to my husband’s work, and we moved away from our little paradise. We bought a house we loved, in a sweet residential neighborhood with a magnificent pollinator garden. Gone were the hummingbirds and in came the honeybees, bumblebees, moths and butterflies. It brought new magic, new teachers, as we found ourselves directly underneath the Sandhill Crane migratory route along the majestic Rio Grande.
But still. I kind of mourned the tanagers, the orioles, the grosbeaks, the woodpeckers, the swarms and swarms of hummingbirds… and in so doing, I closed the door to the field of infinite possibilities. Because I inadvertently developed a limiting belief which was– there are fabulous birds in my previous home of Chupadero, and there aren’t in my new home of White Rock.
We have to honestly evaluate where our beliefs are holding us in place, like a hamster on a wheel.
The field of infinite possibilities tells us that there are no limits. It tells us we don’t have to settle for less, because if we can only open our minds to everything we desire, a shift in our reality can occur and in may flow the magic of the universe (which I, with all my heart, believe in). So, this spring, I vowed to shake off my disbelief, exercise my faith, let my knowing take the wheel, and get out of my own way. I prepared my yard exactly as I had in my paradise orchard.
I stopped focusing on what I did not have.
I filled my garden with everything every species of migratory bird adores. Oranges, seeds, thistle, organic grape jelly, nectar, nut blocks, raw peanuts in shells… and I did it with no expectation. If nobody came to enjoy my little banquet, then I’d consider it my nature altar, offering these things for the spirit of nature itself.
But. They. Came.
Orioles, tanagers, hummingbirds, grosbeaks, finches, all of them. And something else magical happened. A crow started bringing me gifts, every single day, floating them in my bird bath. Some of the gifts were an absolute delight to him and a bit of a horror for me (dead lizards, birds, mice, a baby snake…etc) but once I worked through my own issues of death, I understood the crow’s sentiment and became purely grateful at the enchantment of it all. Soon, the gifts changed. Now they’re shiny objects that he finds special. This has never happened to me, not even in my little valley paradise.
Life can be limitless.
I opened my mind. I got out of my own way. I put a universal “Open For Business” sign in my energetic window, rather than feel sorry for myself. I put no expectations on them. And the entire bird kingdom instantaneously got the message.
Transfer this scenario to any area of life, and that’s what’s available to us. That’s exactly what we’re capable of. Those who don’t believe in enchantment are missing out on so much enrichment. Through that enchantment, just beyond the closed mind, exist the resources we’ve always thought we’ve needed. Meanwhile, they’ve been right there, waiting for us.
An Open for Business sign! I LOVE it! Thank you so much for this Kristy – it’s always so good to be reminded of how magic is always there for us when we remember to put that sign up!
I know we speak the same language, Elizabeth! Thank you for being here!
Yes! So often we focus on what we consider losses, rather than our gratitude for all the universe delivers to us. For me, it is my God that provides me with infinite possibilities and infinite love. It is amazing how the entire world shifts because of our internal attitudes. A lesson to teach us how very much we impact the world around us and our world in US. Thank you Kristy for sharing your words of wisdom!
We truly have so much more influence than we habitually give ourselves credit for, don’t we? I truly believe that the universe (God) needs us to own that, in order to nourish and restore our Mother planet. I love you, Nancy!
I love this! One of my greatest joys is sitting in my backyard to watch the birds. We also have a beehive and my plan is to cultivate butterflies as well. We’ve planted native shrubs and flowers to attract the pollinators and birds and it’s truly a magical place. I had never really thought about why the birds resonate so much for me, how it is they bring me so much joy, and now realize that they are teaching me energy frequency. (And I also find it almost a full-time job–one I joyfully partake in–to provide the birds with all the different types of food they enjoy.)
Ildikó your energy frequency is so light, I think you’re probably upshifting the birds! ? You have true healer energy.
Hi Kristy-it’s been awhile since we’ve corresponded, I hope you are doing well! This blog touched my heart. Birds are amazing creatures. I can relate to being a slave to the flying pigs (hummingbirds). I’m a terrible gardener, but without even doing a thing to my backyard (and being embarrassed about it) so many birds still come and sing to my soul. NM is very special that way.
I hope everything is great with you, Kim! I drove in the vicinity of Magdalena recently and wished I could swing up there and say hi! I miss our conversations! I’ve been pretty much spending every minute of my free time in NM National Parks and think of you often! If you ever have to (or want to!) visit Bandelier or Valle Caldera please let me know and we can all hike together! Keep loving those birdies! ❤️
I want to read this piece (and will) over and over…my mind fills with spectacular visions and my heart fills with magic with every word. The “no expectation” part in life has always been difficult for me. I love, love, love that the migratory birds land with you, for you, on their travels. My heart is more open because of you. Thank you, Dear Friend.
I sense you are wired exactly as I am, my dear friend. Especially when I feel the love you pour into your herb babies. We will inspire each other forever. I love you!
Ah, the magic of invitation. A truly “build it/grow it and they will come” faith story, Kristy. 🙂
Thank you, Joanne! I’m very grateful. ❤️
You are brilliant!! Just what I needed to hear today. So glad I know you…
Thank you dear Kathy! I feel incredibly blessed to know you too. xoxo
I live in The Heights area in Houston Texas. Fortunately there is a bayou trail here that I can walk almost every day. Blue Jays are one of my favorite birds to see. My most favorite is the cardinal. The cardinal often only shows up if I am under stress or needing guidance or confirmation on guidance. My Spirit name is Starhawk given to me in a naming ceremony in a dream; so of course hawks are special to me. I grew up on a house at 203 Hummingbird. I often wonder if I would be benefit by researching the qualifications of hummingbirds and the numerological meaning of 203. I can only remember seeing about 3 hummingbirds quickly flying through my back yard. They were fascinating and I would like to see more. My Native American teacher and medicine woman named Mary Thunder Woman gave me a new name of Singing Hawk. She got confirmation on my name by seeing many hawks that day. Eventually (as stated above) my name evolved into Starhawk which is about my connection to the hawks and the Stars. Thanks for the blog. ?
Beautiful, Starhawk! Thank you for sharing your sacred name, and thank you for being here. In my own life, whenever I find that I’m pondering questions like those you have shared here, I have found that they are absolutely imperative to explore. All clues, like breadcrumbs leading us to our own star magic. I’m certain that hummingbirds are powerful teachers for you, and I imagine there is something important for you in the numerology of 203. You seem to be highly connected to nature, and nature appears to be very interested in you, asking you for a deeper connection. .