I recently signed a book deal and am busy writing away, bringing this little life into creation. It’ll be published in the next year, whenever it decides to be finished. Books take on a life of their own, sentient beings, and like Alice down the Rabbit Hole I’m already finding myself lost within the Wonderland of this work. I’m being asked to not just write the words, but live them, in order to encode the quantum formula needed to activate the concepts on the paper. Without that, it’s just black on white… interesting perhaps, but not necessarily life-changing. My co-author and I are going for life-changing.
The chapter I’ve been working on for the past month is on the principles of money, work, and abundance. What does it all mean, which paradigms are asking to be updated, and where are we holding ourselves back? Finding the meaning of prosperity—for each one of us—is critically important, because it’s likely that we all have a slightly different definition of the word. To attach to the energy of the word, we have to really know the answer to that question before we can welcome it into our lives. One example is when a person is excited about starting their own business but has no clue who their ideal client is. How can people flock to us, if we don’t imagine an open door to them? The one that blinks a neon invitation, “Enthusiastic, open-minded, spirit-driven, heart-centered, game changers welcome here!” You know what I’m saying?
This past month I did something I’ve never done before with my coaching work. I opened my door to anyone wanting to experience coaching without having the ability to pay full price for it. It was a risk. What if I booked the entire month and got nothing in return? Could I afford to do this? It was really tough to reconcile! When I finally surrendered to the process—I had to remind myself that I wouldn’t have had the instinct to do this if it wasn’t going to be a powerful teaching for me—I went into it fully trusting my instinct, allowing it to unfold exactly as it was supposed to, and then receiving the abundance it brought.
And holy love-fest, Batman, what abundance it brought!
Agreeing to do this allowed me to focus on nothing but the joy of my work. As of right now, there is one week left in August, one week left of this exercise in abundance. I have scheduled 16 new people so far and many of those have already had 2 or 3 sessions. My goal is to sign six more people this week! What I’ve gained so far has been a lesson on what prosperity means to me. It doesn’t have to consistently equal a cash deposit. My prosperity gained through this offer has been boat loads of incredible fun, laughter, holding the space for another person’s growth and tears, receiving and giving gratitude and love, feeling a deeper connection to my work, remembering that I’d do this work for free if I could. It gave me confidence in my ability to trust.
You really can’t put a price tag on that.
Thank you for everyone who trusted me enough to work with me! You are fabulous beyond measure. And I welcome others! Contact me if you’re interested in three prepaid coaching sessions for whatever you can afford right now. Give yourself this gift of abundance! You’ll move forward and have a great time doing it. I promise.
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