Kristy exudes a serene confidence and you immediately sense how deep her knowledge and gentleness run. Never any judgement. No harshness. No directives. Only the ability to open doors for us to walk through.

For me it is always beneficial to have someone I trust stand beside me, holding firm but non-judgmental space, when I am working through a challenge or experiencing growing pains. Kristy is really good at that.

Since working with Kristy I am so much more confident, self aware, and connected to myself, to my spirit, and to this world. If you’re lucky enough to get on Kristy’s books then you better be ready for a true and magnificent journey into the depths of your soul’s truest calling. No one else is better suited to lead your life’s train up the mountain than Kristy. I trust her immensely, and she has become a true soul sister.

Kristy’s approach, her energy, her process is so nourishing. She listens, and I feel she understands me exactly where I’m at and what I need. She’s so intuitive. I know that when I am going through a difficult period she will help me get to the other side. She helps me to connect to the gifts I’ve always known I had, but just never had the freedom to allow to shine.

I just know I was miserable and something felt right about working with Kristy. I felt a trust with her that was rare. I was impressed with her ability to love me and challenge me at the same time! She helped me connect with a deep spiritual calling that I had long avoided, because I just didn’t know how to own my own gifts. Since finding Kristy I am such a happier human.

Stark Raving Zen is a riveting true story of a road trip filled with benevolent ghosts and gods, angels, demons, monsters, mythology, and guiding voices. Sweetland’s memoir will keep the reader glued to the page. Her writing conveys the joy and terror of mystical experience.

A uniquely powerful and thought-provoking read, Stark Raving Zen: A Memoir of Coming Alive speaks directly to those who find their lives sapped of meaning. Her descriptions of otherworldly encounters are simple, not overly poetic, just the memories of someone who experienced the indescribable and then found the best words to describe it. For many readers it will raise questions to the most pressing curiosities about the purpose of life. To others, it may provide answers they have knowingly or unknowingly been seeking. Stark Raving Zen is a highly accessible account of spiritual enlightenment with broad appeal, and is strongly recommended.

Author Kristy Sweetland delivers a masterful and emotive work that combines very powerful and fascinating out-of-the-ordinary experiences with a reflective look at life, psychological trauma, and how we all have the strength and capacity to rise up and change… (Long-listed for the Millennium Book Award 2020) ~ Bronze medal Winner 2020 Reader’s Favorite Award

Sending her mental well-being unraveling, a woman embarks on a road trip that proves to be a mind-expanding voyage of spiritual discovery in this memoir. A bold, if occasionally terrifying, personal account of spiritual transformation. Those open to ideas of mediums and the existence of higher dimensions should find this book enthralling.

Kristy Sweetland’s Stark Raving Zen is a haunting memoir of paranormal experiences, mysticism, voices, ghosts, memories and dreams. It’s a rocky cross-country ride in a green station wagon with a dog for company and a seemingly endless parade of mind-boggling happenings. It’s a story of self-discovery and acceptance, a spiritual journey that leads Sweetland to a new life and her readers, perhaps, to a new and different understanding of what’s possible. Stark Raving Zen is a magnetic read for believers and non-believers alike.