I’m always interested in the subject of finding soul purpose or life purpose, however you like to think of it. It’s a passionate subject for me because it happens to be my soul purpose, the pursuit of life purpose. Witnessing a person connecting with theirs, perhaps for the first time, is like watching fireworks explode and feeling all the ‘booms’ inside my own chest.
When a person has fully connected to their understanding of life purpose, they become a living beacon for others, a firefly of sorts. They move with a vitality, a plugged-in energy that everyone around them responds to. I call these people living muses, because that’s exactly what they become. All they have to do is enter a room and everyone feels their energizing presence.
We all have equal access to this energy source, all we have to do is plug in to our own purpose. It’s not even about the full manifestation of that purpose, it’s the pursuit of it that’s so invigorating. There is no failure, no expectation, no ego involvement that can derail us, once we’re on that path.
Some people are honestly born with a solid understanding of why they’re here. But it’s not always so easy. Some truly have little solid sense of what their soul purpose might be and become confused and disheartened because of their uncertainty. They feel like they’ve fallen behind somehow, as if they should be certain at this stage.
To that I say, connecting to our purpose follows no timeline. Maybe the feeling of uncertainty is a necessary ingredient for the development of our soul at this time. Every experience is an opportunity to collect data that we can use to move forward (and honestly, sometimes moving backward for a period of time, or feeling complete neutrality is necessary too). There’s no sense in beating ourselves over the head with our own states of being.
It’s all good. It really is.
But if you are one of those who don’t posses a solid sense of purpose in your life, yet you feel you truly desire it (and it’s okay if you don’t!), then I invite you to incorporate a few ways of being in order to pave the way for holding more of what you want in your world. Making an effort to consciously connect with these things can begin to expand your possibilities. It’s a great way to feel a stronger connection to your life so you can build a foundation for more.
- Make a vibrational shift. Sometimes action is not the first step. We have to pay attention to how we’re being and truly ask ourselves if our energy is matching the vibrational frequency of what we want. Are we chronically mopey? Are we in a pattern of blaming others for how our life is right now? Are we saccharine sweet all the time, when really we feel like taking a sledge-hammer to the world? How is our state of being supporting us or sabotaging us in the pursuit of our desires? If we’re constantly misaligned, or pretending our way through life, we breed inauthenticity. Hard to get a handle on life purpose when we don’t have a handle on who we are.
- Decide what support means for you. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Sometimes a can-do attitude can border on the pathological when we refuse to contemplate asking for help. The needless/wantless adaptation runs rampant in our society. We don’t want to be a bother. We don’t want to appear (gasp) needy. The truth is, it’s a gift to be able to help another when we know we’re capable of helping. Go ahead and ask for assistance. What can your friends do for you when you need support? What can your family do to unburden you from too many responsibilities? What can you do for yourself that you don’t normally give yourself permission to do?
- Find peace with where you’re at. This moment is okay. This moment is perfect. Whatever you’re feeling, however you’re behaving, there are gifts in every pattern, even if they appear insanely painful. Take a deep breath and say, “I’m beginning, from this place, from this state, I’m beginning. And this beginning is perfect.” We can’t create something new if we refuse to accept the foundation upon which we stand in this moment.
- Become aware of your shifting perceptions. Once you’ve accepted where you are in life, start paying attention to shifting your perceptions to foster the new place you’d like to create. Are your perceptions supporting the same old patterns? You don’t have to know how to change your thoughts in this stage, you simply have to learn to dialogue with them. What are your thoughts trying to tell you? How have they not gotten through to you? Ignoring our soul’s messages is a good way to manifest physical symptoms. If we don’t get it through one medium (spirit, mind, emotion), our life will choose another (body) through afflictions we can’t ignore. I commonly have to experience pesky and bizarre physical maladies before I’ll slow down enough to have a dialogue with the whole team. I’m not alone in this; it’s a common pattern with humanity in general.
- Choose empowerment. After the first four steps are well under way, now we’re ready for some solid action steps. Choose and align with an action step you feel good about. If your goal is about life purpose, then really feel for yourself what a good move would be to connect deeper with your soul’s purpose. Maybe that looks like exploring your childhood patterns. Maybe that looks like asking your family members how they see you, looking for old clues that they may not have shared with you before. Such as,“When you were a child you always…” Mine for information, searching for possibility. And of course, the old saying is true, our joy always leads us to our purpose. Ultimately, our life purpose is where our deepest joy intersects with the needs of the world. When all else fails, just follow the joy. It really can be that simple!
I hope this triggers an energetic shift in you, one that leaves you asking questions of yourself you haven’t asked in awhile. I hope the question itself revitalizes you. The world takes so much of our energy, it’s nice to get some back.
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