What is Transformational Coaching?
Transformational Coaching is the process of working with a skilled professional coach trained to stretch you into new ways of being and doing through the art of high-level communication, the use of psychological and psycho-spiritual coaching tools, and by fostering a foundation of accountability and empowerment. The process of coaching is about transforming and healing the behaviors which lock us in place, disabling our progress forward. It’s about building a new relationship with our own highest functioning Self. Coaching facilitates human thriving. It brings psychic order to psychic chaos. My particular flavor of Transformational Coaching brings spirit and intuition into the mix through a foundation of presence, compassion, confidence, energy, and courage. Transformational change means permanent change and it’s the creation of new brain networks. It’s powerful and highly rewarding. I have a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology, and a Master’s level professional credential in Transformational Coaching.
Can you explain the term Transformational Alchemy?
For eight years I referred to myself as an executive and transformational coach, which was technically correct, but not fully accurate. I am definitely proud of the fact that in order to become a credentialed executive and personal life coach I went through a rigorous educational journey, which augmented my life/work/intuitive experience.
However, at a certain point in my professional evolution, one-by-one my clients began to tell me that the term “coaching” wasn’t fully capturing the scope of our work together. So I embraced a new title for my professional work– Transformational Alchemist– because I help guide my clients through the carbon of their stuck energy, into the fire of inner transformation, finally reaching the pure gold of their life’s highest expression. Meaning and purpose, soul expression, integrity, and creative authenticity = pure gold. Intuition, energy work, psychology, and science enjoy a healthy marriage within my practice, and I devote myself to the alchemy of this rare balance.
What is a Highly Sensitive Person?
A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a term for those who are thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli. Some refer to this as having sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS for short. While highly sensitive people are sometimes negatively described as being “too sensitive,” it is a personality trait that brings both strengths and challenges. These terms were first coined by psychologists Elaine Aron and Arthur Aron in the mid-1990s and interest in the concept has continued to grow tremendously since then.
Can you summarize Transpersonal Psychology?
“Transpersonal psychologists attempt to integrate timeless wisdom with modern Western psychology and translate spiritual principles into scientifically grounded, contemporary language. Transpersonal psychology addresses the full spectrum of human psychospiritual development—from our deepest wounds and needs to the existential crisis of the human being, to the most transcendent capacities of our consciousness.” ~ from Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path by Mariana Caplan
I could never summarize it more beautiful than that.
How does transformational alchemy / Transformational Coaching differ from therapy?
From a coaching standpoint, every client is creative, resourceful and whole. Combing through the past through talk-therapy is critical and important work done through the expertise of a psychologist, psychotherapist or analyst. Transformational Coaching is equally critical and important work which does not focus on the past but instead focuses on the present into the future. Coaching requires a person to be self-correcting, meaning they are aware when their behaviors are harmful to themselves or others and have the ability to shift their behaviors when they are destructive. It also requires a person to be self-generating meaning they know what it takes to feel strong and have the ability to shift into those behaviors when they’re in a difficult place. If a person is not self-correcting or self-generating, they are a candidate for therapy, not coaching.
What are some typical reasons to work with you, Kristy?
There are too many to list, but a few examples are:
- Finding clarity has become difficult.
- Renewed energy and vitality is desired.
- Something urgent, compelling or exciting is at stake (such as a big goal, dream or challenge).
- A desire to move forward.
- A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence or resources.
- Strengths need to be identified and leveraged.
- A spiritual awakening is taking place and there is painful confusion swirling.
- Destructive life-patterns keep appearing in various forms.
- A strong desire to live a more authentic life of integrity.
What is your model of coaching?
The short answer is Magic and Mystery meet Psychology and Neuroscience. The extended answer is this: My model of coaching blends my expertise in transpersonal psychology (the psychology of highest connection & expression) with the Appreciative Inquiry model of coaching. Appreciative inquiry is about focusing on strengths. It’s about exploring what’s working, what’s right, with the ultimate intention of transforming what’s not working. My coaching model is a blend of spirit and science working to bring out your life’s expression while also fostering the development of new neural-pathways to assist your brain in working for you rather than against you. (By building new habits and creating effective long-term behavior patterns.) I’m equally at home in psychology and spirit, and our work together will be a powerful combination of right and left hemisphere work. I call my work alchemy because I am not the average coach.
What are some benefits of working with a transformational coach?
Professional coaching brings a multitude of gifts including new perspectives on life challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness and greatly increased confidence. Those who undertake the transformational coaching journey are happier, more productive and report greater satisfaction with their life and work. Coaching decreases the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
In a recent study independently conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers more than 12,000 people having received either executive or personal coaching reported these results of their coaching experience:
- 70% of them reported improved work performance.
- 61% reported improved business management.
- 57% reported improved time management.
- 80% reported increased self-confidence.
- 73% reported improved relationships.
- 72% reported improved communication skills.
- 67% reported improved work/life balance.
- 99% of all polled reported that they were more than satisfied with the overall experience and 96% would repeat the process.
Can I count on you to solve my problems for me?
Through the journey of coaching you will develop the skills required to solve your own problems. I believe the coaching relationship is a sacred partnership built on mutual respect and a commitment to your own empowerment. There is nothing more disempowering than another person attempting to solve our problems for us.
Are you a trained professional?
Yes I am. I have a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Psychology, and a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and I have also earned my CPC (certified professional coach) status through my master’s program. I am a member of the American Psychological Association, and the Association of Transpersonal Psychology. I have additional certificates in NeuroTransformational Coaching, and Resilience Psychology. Coaching is an art and a science. I believe professional credentials are important. I believe I’m also innately and intuitively gifted in coaching. The merging of the two qualities, intuitive and professionally credentialed, are my foundational strength.
What is required of me?
Your primary responsibility is to show up, ready to be 100% real and fully ready to embark on this journey of inner exploration and discovery. This takes courage. But more than anything it takes self-compassion and the willingness to open up to new possibilities. There is no behavior of yours, no emotional pattern which does not hold infinite wisdom within. You have to be willing to integrate all parts of you through this process. Also, there is work involved. I’m a good judge of a person’s preferred process (some crave actual homework, some despise it) and will design your coaching work based on your strengths. But 100% accountability is required for the transformational process to have a positive effect. If you say you’re going to do something, I’m going to hold you to that.
How long should I work with you?
This depends on your needs and desires. If you’re wanting to work on one specifically defined issue, such as “How can I learn to function with my aggravating boss? I love my job and don’t want to leave, but I’m struggling.” then a 4 or 8 session package is a great place to start. If you’re experiencing a spiritual crisis and want desperately to find deeper meaning in your life though find that you keep sabotaging your journey, then there is likely a gold mine of factors to be excavated which will naturally take longer. Transformational change is literally the creation of a new brain network and it takes about a year, biologically. It is the process of recognizing which behaviors, thoughts or beliefs are asking to be retrained and then undergoing the process of transforming those behaviors, thoughts or beliefs. Investing in yourself will last a lifetime, will result in a much higher-functioning You, and will most definitely pay for itself through your life’s progress.
I strongly desire this work, but cannot afford it. What should I do?
First of all, I want you to evaluate the absolute truth of that statement. Can you truly not afford it, or are you not accustomed to investing in yourself because any investment in your success or wellbeing is considered frivolous or unnecessary? Be honest with yourself. Transformational work takes you to a new level of possibility, including new levels of success, abundance and productivity which typically lead to an actual financial return on your investment. Just be incredibly honest with yourself. If the answer is still, nope, cannot afford it, then I would strongly suggest the group classes (when they are available) and/or the e-courses (new courses are offered periodically). If you can’t swing that, then please read my blog archive, sign up for my newsletter, and follow me on social media: Instagram is my primary platform, though you’ll find me on Facebook too. I am always writing transformational entries designed to stretch you and strengthen your inner reserves as well as frequently recommend books to read including my own books, which I definitely advise you start with. My multiple award-winning: Stark Raving Zen: A Memoir of Coming Alive, which is my own volcanic transformational story. And my first book: The Fascinated Observer: A Guide to Embodying S.T.A.R. Philosophy, a book which encompasses my energy worldview and has exercises throughout built for transformation.